
I have come up with meny types of weapons over the years. I also have made workable rules for weapons from movies, games, and animes. So I finally decided to start keeping track of the weapons by putting them on this site. So Please use them.

Weapon Name: Middle Sword
-----------Martial weapon
-----------Cost: 12gp
-----------Damage: 1d6
-----------Critical: 3X
-----------Weight: 3 lb.
-----------Range Increment:--
-----------Type: Slashing/Piercing

The Middle Sword is a blade longer then the Short Sword, but shorter then the Long Sword. It has a sharp edge and a profected tip for stabbing attacks.

Weapon Name: Elephant Dagger
-----------Exotic Weapon
-----------Cost: 50gp
-----------Damage: 2d4
-----------Critical: 3X
-----------Weight: 8 lb.
-----------Range Increment:--
-----------Type: Slashing

It really shouldn't be called a dagger, considering its caliaber. Its broad edge and small hilt design makes it a very odd but powerfull weapon. It takes the shape of an elephant's ear.

Weapon Name: Tetsaiga
-----------Exotic Weapon
-----------Damage: 1d12
-----------Critical: 4X
-----------Weight: 15 lb.
-----------Range Increment:--
-----------Type: Slashing

The Tetsaiga is a heavy and powerful weapon. It's massive size and weight make it a weapon that only the strongest can wield. The sword was forged from the left fang of a mighty dog demon lord. It's name is translated to Iron Breaking Sword.

Weapon Name: Oblivion
-----------Exotic Weapon
-----------Damage: 1d10
-----------Critical: 3X
-----------Weight: 15 lb.
-----------Range Increment:--
-----------Type: Slashing
-----------Special: 4 bleeding damage every round, 17 DC vs poison (Death blade)

The Sword known as Oblivion was a blade forged meny centurys ago. Its maker was lost in text, so only 70 of these weapons are rumored to exict. It is also rumored that they were forged during the Dragon Wars. Its Jagged edge and large size is what makes this blade so feared. But if you survive the hit its other great dread thats affect. A single scratch from this blade can cause death in a matter of minutes.

Weapon Name: Bolt Hammer
-----------Marshal Weapon
-----------Cost: 840gp
-----------Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 lightning damage
-----------Critical: 2X
-----------Weight: 4 lb.
-----------Range Increment:--
-----------Type: bludgeon
-----------Special: 3 times a day the wielder may throw a lightning bolt that deals 2d4 lightning damage. Treat is ability as the spell Lightning Bolt.

These Hammers are ordinary Warhammers but there enchantment is cast when they are being forged.

Weapon Name: